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Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • pappu
    11-20 01:09 PM
    All pls PM each other and exchange phone numbers and emails so that you can start building your local IV community. Once you have contacted each other, you can start the action items for state chapters.

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  • nojoke
    10-20 12:15 AM
    I don't get it why our folks blindly follow the dems, and somehow think Obama is our savior when in fact it's contrary. Obama can talk so smoothly that you'll leave feeling that he's for you even if he was saying the opposite. Time to wake up and look at the facts. Go Mccain.

    Just like how you blindly think green card is the only thing that matters in this world. McCain lies, runs slimy sleazy adds that tell what kind of person he is. He doesn't have the depth of knowledge that Obama has nor does he have moral values. Time for you to wake up. Go Obama

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  • aquarianf
    07-31 03:03 PM
    I reviewed copy of I-485 packegae and found that attorney didn't include Employment letter with package. I filed in June I already received filing numbers.
    When I asked attorney why it wasn't sent, her response was that there are around 15 people from company who filed in month of June/july and she didn't included EVL for all of them. Also there are around 8 people who got their GC in my company in last 2 years and she didn't included EVL for all of them.

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  • conundrum
    12-08 04:48 PM
    we will have to ask for more pointed info rather than ask for all the info at once.

    My suggestion is for a few of us to ask USCIS for just EB - 2 India, China and ROW and another for just EB-3 India, China and ROW. Maybe we might get a faster response that way.


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  • joydiptac
    02-19 02:22 PM
    Guys, this looks good. It is NOT for illegal aliens. Paragraphs (c) and (d) state that the alien must be admissible as an immigrant (i.e. not have broken the law by being an illegal), read paragraph (d) here:

    "(d) Security and Law Enforcement Clearances- The alien, if over 15 years of age, shall submit fingerprints in accordance with procedures established by the Secretary of Homeland Security. Such fingerprints shall be submitted to relevant Federal agencies to be checked against existing databases for information relating to criminal, national security, or other law enforcement actions that would render the alien ineligible for adjustment of status under this section. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide a process for challenging the accuracy of matches that result in a finding of ineligibility for adjustment of status."

    Read the "or other law enforcement actions that would render the alien ineligible for adjustment of status under this section"....so, anyone who broke the law by entering the country illegally would NOT be eligible.

    So, stop sending those letters opposing this bill, and instead let's support it!!

    Totally agree with you. All opposed are not getting the point that they do not stand to loose either way. Hope they come to their senses. Anyhow if nothing happens they will be waiting way more than 5 years. This can only reduce the backlogs. Think with a clear mind. You might have a fast car but you can't go fast if the freeway is clogged. THink!

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  • xyzgc
    01-17 11:58 PM
    I agree with what xyzgc says ..though I guess the last sentence should be changed to "how can you buy long term Immovable assets without getting the permanent residency ?? :)"

    Thanks, you are the only one who agrees. Its ok. The rest are fools (in their opinion, I'm stupid, its ok).


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  • gc28262
    08-12 04:19 PM
    Such is our seriousness, the thread barely started it was at the bottom of the list just awaiting its natural death. Whereas the most meningless threads are at the top of the list. If people can not EB3 backlog seriously then i am sure they don't deserve any GCs.

    Don't be disappointed.
    We are focusing on another thread right now.

    Please post your ideas on this thread.

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  • grinch
    03-08 04:15 PM
    ya3, the deadline is thursday ;)

    May 10th.

    March 10th ;)


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  • newbie09
    08-05 07:57 PM
    Need help!!!

    I'm in US on L1 with company A, company B filed for H1B in Apr'09, H1 is not yet approved, and my L1 is also expiring in Nov'09. Since I'm not sure if I will get H1 approved, I have applied for L1 extension with company A.
    My question is:

    1. What will happen if I get H1 approved before Oct'09? Will I have to leave Company A and start working for compay B (H1) from 1st Oct even when L1 extension is in process?

    2. If L1 extension is approved before 1st Oct, will I be able to continue working for comapny A, even if my H1 is approved?

    Basically I don't want to be out of status or do anything against visa rules.
    Please guide me on this situation.

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  • bayarea07
    09-10 02:20 PM
    I dont think its the Right Link the link that you sent has lot of action going on but
    has people moving all over the place and no action

    I found another link. Not sure if its the right one ?



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  • ajaykk
    07-11 09:35 PM
    My PD is 06/27/06..should I feel happy or fingers x'd or just lucky....

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  • ndbhatt
    06-10 08:19 PM

    Don't fire up on my comments given below.

    I agree that ALL of us irrespective of EB category will be impacted if this proposed bill becomes a law.
    Just step back and think for a minute, what is the impact on the US companies due to inability of his bright workers to continue working in US? Will US businesses sit tight without raising any concerns? No way...
    This is just an eyewash to get political mileage. No matter what degree of love-hate relationship exists between voters and politicians. Certainly, political power cannot, and never will, have a brazen bill such as this, that will hurt American economy more than anything.
    Let's assume for a moment that hypothetically this becomes law...
    What will we do? Some of common options:
    - Move to immigrant friendly country, OR
    - Return to mother land, OR
    - Company will move its operation, and you, to continue its operations, OR
    - look at alternate legal ways to stay in this country until situation changes, OR
    - Become undocumented alien :D

    Guys, we still have options but US of A has too much at stake to make this text into a law.

    Please don't get me wrong, I am in the same boat as all of you. It's just my 2 cents.



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  • tikka
    06-10 09:41 PM
    Since have some down time.. maybe we can try and revive local chapters?

    You folks - Jersey was quite active, maybe we can all work together.

    Please PM me

    thank you

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  • sunny1000
    07-01 04:13 PM
    There is a phone call campaign going on right now to call certain members of congress to pass H.R.5921, H.R.5882 and H.R.6039 which recaptures unused GC visa numbers, eliminates the per-country quota and exempt STEM grads from the GC count. Please participate and call if you have not already and campaign with your friends/family to enlist more people (including U.S citizen colleagues of yours) to call.

    As per the IV lobbyists, the online petitions and fax campaigns don't work.


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  • meridiani.planum
    03-16 11:15 PM
    i just don't see what the fuss is about. people from india usually waited 5-6 years for a GC historically, and it's about the same, give or take one year, even now. so i don't see why 4 years of wait after i-485 is being made out to be such a big deal only NOW.......????

    its not a 4 year wait you @#$$%!#$!!! From your mails here you seem to be simply trolling for, and collecting red dots (& doing a good job of it).

    If your PD is EB2/EB3 India 2006 or 2007 its gonna be a 10 year wait. Atleast.

    Dates have not been so badly retrogressed, ever (7 years for EB3 India!). Demand has never been so high, ever. Lots of things have led to this HUGE backlog of demand (namechecks, LC delays, increased H1 quotas in 2000/01/02, increased use of L1). The IN queue has never been this long, by an order of magnitude, and the OUT queue has remained the same for decades. We are screwed unless there are some admin fixes.

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  • supers789
    11-22 10:28 AM
    Ok. Here is a question I have.

    I know one can get 3 years extensions once 140 is approved even with previous employer. The question is -

    Assume EB2 140 is approved for previous employer has PD June 2004, and then one changes the job. By the time his 6 years of H1B gets over, June 2004 becomes current. Now the person cannot file 485 since 140 was approved for old employe whom he has left an year back. Will the person still get 3 years of extension on H1B?

    I was thinking, u get 3 years extension due to retrogession.. so with the fact that PD is current, how will you still get 3 years of extension?



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  • boreal
    04-21 08:36 PM
    Could someone post the meeting notes.

    Quite a few number of ppl from IV attended and i do hear that some good things are going on in the background, esp with the Congressman's Guiterrez's office...Hopefully something good will happen for all of us out this....

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  • nk2006
    02-19 03:07 PM
    I dont think this bill will survive in house - any bill with a set number of years residence as the only condition will raise the cries of amnesty and can get killed. In the current economic conditions, not sure if Obama administration will take any agressive steps to fix immigration issue - unfortunately they have far more urgent issues at hand. A bipartisan support could have made it possible but any bill which can be interpreted as 'amnesty' will sure raise emotions.

    Having said that - it seems useful (irrespective of if illegals will also get benefited or only legals get benefits) for us - any bill that can potentially take thousands of people from the waiting list can also benefit people with <5 years anyways - so it should benefit everyone. Hell....even if there is a bill that grants greencards after 10 years of legal residence - I am sure it will ease the retrogession a lot (from all the stories in IV, I am sure there are quite a few still waiting after 10 years of legal residence). Whether such bill can be passed in the near future (in 2009) is another matter and I highly doubt it.

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  • singhsa3
    07-28 12:31 PM
    Hello All,
    Very interesting thread. instead of focusing on our mission of this forum we are focussing on all the ways to destroy it. Good work guys, keep it up!

    04-09 05:41 PM
    On the same note, Kumarc123, it is hard to see them working with 2001 EB3-India category for more than 5 years. 245(i) or not...still 5 years...how about that.

    Anyway, my point is let us leave predictions. USCIS gave their predictions way back in their Jan 2010 bulletin. Maybe we all should stick with what dates they gave us than we trying to predict.

    Now another venting, more calculations, more uproar everything will continue for 1 more week from our members...:rolleyes:

    I completely agree with you . For five years EB3 is stuck in 2001 that means people who came here 10 years back are still waiting. Something needs to be done by someone somewhere but I guess no one has any idea who can ( except the congress ) .

    All of my friends about 10-15 of them who came with me in 2000-2001 timeframe got their GC's and their citizenships in EB3 ( none in EB2 ) and I am still hanging .

    I wonder what was that which made their application go by light speed and my application go into a blackhole :)

    02-17 05:41 AM

    none of them is free???
    uhhh, look at the post in the very first part of the thread i set up this (%0Ahttp://www.gamedev.net/community/fo...topic_id=202348) link for a list of a bunch of 3d programs varying from free to over 5k