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Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • HarshJ
    10-13 12:18 AM
    PD Sept 2001
    Labor Approval Jan 2007 (Yeah almost 6 YEARS !!)
    I-140 RD Mar 12 2007
    I-485 RD Jul 23 2007
    Received EADs, APs and I-485 receipts Sept 23rd 2007

    Waiting !!:(

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  • greencard_fever
    07-28 05:08 PM
    only a fool of the nth order can say that india will benefit from this nuclear treaty!

    I am not saying that India will be benefit from with this N-deal. I was said if so then how? read it properly...by the way i don’t have any info on this deal and looks like you have more info. can you please tell me and other IV members who is not aware of this deal that how India will not get the benefit and how bad it will effect our great nations growing economy and Nuclear power?

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  • dvb123
    02-19 12:12 AM
    This radical idea will end retrogression radically. This concept is little tough for people who have no knowledge of country quota to understand.

    1. There is a bill in the house now

    HR 264 Introduced to Congress
    Section A - It will grant GC to people with > 5 years in US
    Section B - For EB skilled immigration for people with <5 years in US, it makes LC process more difficult.

    2. We must encourage this bill with some amendments. Section A which automatically gives green card to people > 5 years in US should be ELIMINATED. Section B should remain.

    3. This causes a reduction in I-485's and CP's because you need to be resident in United States for a minimum of 5 years to apply for Labor. Then ROW people would be able to apply for I-140 and I-485 automatically.

    4. In the last quarter of every year the leftover visas(EB1 and EB2 ROW people will not be able to apply for labor->I-140+I-485 until they stayed in US for 5 years) will be spilled to EB 2 and EB 3 India and China. EB3 ROW, India and China visa retrogression issue will be solved because we will have spillovers for atleast 5 years. This bill is not against ROW people. EB3 ROW people will benefit immensely.

    5. The restrictionists will be happy because nobody can start the green card process without staying in US for atleast 5 years (F1 + h1, j1 + h1, f1 only, j1 only, h1 only statuses)

    So, we should support HR 264 bill with a few amendments if possible.

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  • rajuram
    10-25 09:38 PM
    Reason: All of us(between 2002-4) were rotting in BEC for years...BEC just
    vomited us out between Jan 2007 to September 07.

    Lets get for another round of rotting


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  • makemygc
    03-18 07:37 PM

    Hope this thread will be useful for somebody who is looking for american company for green card processing. They wont get into the trap. So I am giving out the information from the known source(friends).

    Company1: Deloitte
    Company2: Chase

    These two companies promised doing green card cards,they filed h1s, but did not file green card.Whatever reason (bad economy) may be, they did not sponsor green cards for those they promised to do. So be careful. It is not gaurantee.
    Also, you can list the companies you know whoever promised, but did not file.

    Wow...I didn't realize this thread is opened until today. I can second you on Deloitte. I joined Deloitte & Touche several years back and left the company in 3 months. HR promissed me to file my GC as soon as I join them but started giving excuses once I joined. Later on they told me that they will file after 1 year and that too dependent on my performance....I decide to part my ways with liars and joined a different company and now after several years I'm glad that I made that decision...today I'm in a much better position in a much better company. Thought mine may be the only case but looking at this thread makes me feel I was not all alone.
    Not only this, they pay you different if you are an H1 holder as compared to others. I found this when I joined and found someone junior to me getting paid more than I was.

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  • waitnwatch
    07-28 04:10 PM
    Its amazing how the self proclaimed defenders of Hinduism think that the religion is so fragile. Last I checked Hinduism is known to be >5000 years old, withstood countless aggressors/forced conversions for over 1000s of years, absorbed various cultures and ethnicities to remain one of the dominant religions in the world.

    Its asinine to think that the religion/culture that withstood Aurangzeb will be diminished by a freakin IPA.

    It is my view that folks who get offended by something as trivial as this, are reflecting their own insecurities or even their lack of faith in something they have been led to believe in.

    There is an excellent article on Hinduism and why and how it has survived over the millenia by Amartya Sen. This is one of many excellent articles which are compiled in a book titled "The Argumentative India". If you get a chance please read this article and, even better, the whole book.

    There is a lot of information about India's history and culture (with references) and might help throw some light on this discussion of gods on a toilet seat or beer bottle.

    I also see a business opportunity from this discussion--caps with Ganesha embroidered on them - would sell like hot cakes! :)


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  • sirinme
    06-11 07:34 PM
    Just sent.

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  • conundrum
    10-31 05:59 PM
    Received letter from USCIS regarding the FOIA.


    The request has been placed in the complex track!


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  • Caliber
    03-12 02:21 PM
    No one is accusing IV

    I have a question for Paapu and IV?

    WHAT are you all doing? you want our money and our involvement for what?


    Pappu if you cannot run this organization, please close it, but don't ask of any IV non donor to donate (http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/#) for the cause, I proposed to you about holding a rally, IT IS A SHAME this organization FAILED to do ANYTHING AFTER 2007.



    Is this not called accusing?

    For a rally, we will need several thousands of dollars and 100's of volunteers for several days. I am from NJ. We know how much we struggled to get even half bus filled for 2007 rally.

    If you are so seiuos about a rally, start a poll how many are willing to attend on a week day and how much each will contribute Monetarily as well as time and effort.

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  • GCStatus
    09-18 12:01 AM
    You cornered me? On what basis? You throw insult and that is your definition for cornered? Is there any logical argument that prove that I am wrong and you are right? Grow up and don't poison this thread with your pointless insults

    Omg, easy. This is embarrassing. You completely took it out of context. Its all good ok, its all good.


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  • makemygc
    01-30 08:27 PM
    I am on H4 visa and thinking of filing for an H1 through a contrating co. But I have also heard the horror stories of these desi contrating co. which makes it more difficult for taking a decision.
    i do not hold a US degree but i do have job experience from india. Can anyone advice on how to go about this situation.
    Its essential for me to travel to india this year. If I go ahead and file through some co, will there be a problem at the consulate when i go there to get my visa stamped ? Is it advicable to travel during such a transition ?
    What happens if I am unable to find a project & I'm on bench ? Am I an illegal resident in such situation ? please advice.
    I've lot of friends whose spouses have transfered their visa from H4 to H1 successfully and doing good right now. I don't know a single one regretting their decision. Well, I agree with lot of horror stories here but do understand that there are decent companies as well who are straight forward and do not do things illegally. Do some research among your friends and well wishers and then take a decision. In forum like this, you will always find two side of the stories as everyone has their own agenda.

    Best of Luck.

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  • immique
    07-01 04:22 PM
    online petition is a very good idea. it is bound to gain increased attention as we make our views clear. having country quotas/limits in EB system does not make any sense. if not addressed quickly the people from retrogressed countries have to wait 15-20 years before they can ever see their green card while applicants from other countries get their green cards in a few months.


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  • forever_waiting
    02-16 04:03 PM
    Completely understand.
    On a related note, as pappu pointed out on another thread, it would be really nice if senior members, in general, who have got GCs in the past years continue to stay involved since their past advocacy experience is greatly valuable. Several such senior members have continued to stay involved but some have taken a back seat after "getting greened". Ideally, it should be the opposite - shouldnt getting a GC inspire us to be further involved in the process and get the issue resolved?

    I see and agree with what you say. I sponsored myself the last 2 times I went for advocacy days but this time the situation is different - I've got my green card already and therefore finding it difficult to justify the expenses to my wife.

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  • waitnwatch
    07-28 04:16 PM
    Admin Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Closeee this Threadddddd

    Why do you need to close the thread............It appears to be the greatest stressbuster currently available on IV:D


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  • miapplicant
    09-11 11:00 AM

    "In a move to fix America�s broken immigration system, the House Subcommittee on Immigration approved H.R. 5882, a bipartisan legislation introduced by Representatives Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and James Sensenbrenner (R-WI)."

    Thanks. Given the various posts on this, I hope this is true true true...:p

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  • northstar
    04-09 05:10 PM
    there we go again..... becoz visa bulletin dates did no move.... all of a sudden it means uscis/dos is not doing their job?..... get a grip of u'r self.....

    my date if 7th feb-05 & its just days away for over an year.... but i know that blaming uscis/dos won't do a shit for anyone..... becoz that's not where the problem is..... now don't throw bullshit at me.... saying uscis is not efficient blah blah blah..... if uscis is allocating 140K gc per year, that's good enough...... becoz its a wrong goal to setup 100% efficiency with uscis..... we all don't work with our employer 100% becoz we spend time scanning the web..... y do we expect uscis to work 100%....... for me uscis is doing their job if they allocate 140k gc per year...... period..... now stop this non-sense of blaming uscis/dos becoz that sets a wrong target..... the blame/fault for vb and backlog lies with the congress..... the least we can do is identify the source of the problem...... we do people here keep beating down on uscis & dos...... y r we do dumb.....

    and all these questions is totally a waste of time...... in the end lets say u get 100% efficiency, what will it get u..... 7 more green cards for a backlog of 1 million..... how stupid is it to get totally blinded by this misguided meaningless talk for 7 visas for a million headless chickens.....

    lets continue talking about uscis/dos..... who is next...:mad:

    You don't like members blaming CIS, could have said in one line


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  • mhathi
    03-03 04:51 PM
    You need an option: My home buying decision is independent of green card process.

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  • chanduv23
    02-13 10:55 PM
    Dear friends,

    I am appalled and disgusted by the mudslinging going on between ROW and India-born applicants. If any of you remember your history lessons from high school, the English used this exact policy of "Divide and Rule" to keep control over their colonies.

    For example, in India, they would go into Moslem dominated cities, discriminate against them for jobs, and put Hindus in more prestigious positions, and vice-versa. They did this after the first war for independence in 1857 where Hindus, Moslems, rich and poor fought to overthrow the British occupation.

    The very same policy is used by the U.S. government to control their population:

    1) Per country quotas in EB immigration cause infighting

    2) Infighting causes immigrant activists like IV to lose focus and weaken the agenda

    3) Infighting results in racism between ROW, India, and China, which causes Americans to watch the circus, shake their heads and lobby for more immigration control

    4) Poor regulation in the H1B program cause Americans to lose their jobs and blame the Indians and Chinese

    ...and the elite sit back, sip their martinis, and watch the fun.

    So you have two choices before you:
    1) Keep fighting, achieve none of the 3 main IV objectives, and continue your bonded slavery or
    2) Unite as one to achieve all 3 objectives, and throw off your shackles

    Remember, "Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere" - Martin Luther King

    I am a strong advocate of Unity and I appreciate your post. Infighting exists everywhere, it is not created but exists in us and our thought process. Let us not say that USCIS or US govt creates the "infighting" by divide and rule. We fight among ourselves because we are unorganized and do not have a platform. IV has provided one of the biggest platforms that caters to all highly skilled immigrants which covers a broad range of issues and is a wonderful platform for all of us to unite.

    United we stand, divided we fall - if people find reasons not to be united, then they can expect Lou Dobbs accusing them even after they become US citizens

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  • sunty
    11-11 10:28 AM

    I am aware getting participation from the members is a tough one. But when people will sense a hint of success, they will come.

    The biggest example is IV itself. When Aman founded this, it was just a small website for people to discuss EB immigration issues facing them. Look at IV now.

    Similarly, we have to start somewhere. Recapture and CIR are far dreams for now. At this point, if we can do anything to have any sort of respite, it would be a good thing...

    07-13 09:20 AM
    Do any of you think that the dates will move forward next month? Looking at the backlog numbers published by USCIS, I think they moved as far as they could to make use of all the available visas. I am thinking that the move next month might be only a few days or a month at the max. USCIS mentioned last month that we could expect the dates to be March/April 06 at the end of this fiscal year. Will this mean that EB2I will hold out at March / April 06 for the next fiscal year?

    Interesting question. You are probably quite accurate but there still remains some hope of a few months movement:D:D

    11-08 02:49 PM
    I live in Iselin
    My labor filed in Nov 2003 as NY EB3 RIR
    Not yet approved -- "In Process"