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Sunday, June 19, 2011

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  • chanduv23
    08-12 08:52 AM
    My Job duties on labor says
    "Design, develop and test software using Java, C++, C, VB, Winrunner, SAP, Oracle, Networking, ASP and RUP"
    The title in labor is "Software Engineer"
    Now the new job offer has title as "Lead Developer"
    and duties are
    "The lead developer will be responsible for leading a team to creating components within Java, utilizing standard Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), writing unit test cases and supporting the Testing and Quality Assurance phases of the software development lifecycle."
    Can somebody comment on this in context of same / similar job?

    It is similar. The key words are "Design, develop, test .....maintain.... etc.." Look up the O*net code for 15-1031.00 - Your L/C will state this occupational code. This has a broad classification.

    I am in the same boat - my old job says ""design, develop, test wireless and mobile applications using Pocket PC SDK, MFC, Win32 API ........" and my new job says "Design , develop, test finaicial system applications using VC++, MFC, Win32API ........" I ran this through some lawyers and they say it is fine.
    15-1031.00 has a lot of titles that any software person can fit in.

    Old job title is "Senior Software Engineer" new job title is "Senior Software Developer"

    Fellow IVans - please comment if this is fine?

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  • neoklaus
    10-27 10:21 AM

    BTW,which service centre?


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  • bidhanc
    03-21 03:11 PM
    I spoke to a staff at Michael R. McNulty's office.
    He comes to Albany on weekends only.
    Rest of the time (5 days a week) he is in Washington.
    We can meet staff members any time betwenn 9 to 5 (no appointment required).

    Spoke to staff member at Schumer's office.
    He is not available for a meeting.
    Have set up a meeting (with staff) for 12th April 11am (nothing available for next 2 weeks).
    I was actually just trying to find out if we could schedule an appointment with Schumer. Did not expect them to set up an appointment on the phone so fast.
    We can change if this is not convenient.
    I am not sure if this is gonna help, as it is 2 weeks away.

    Please provide feedback.

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  • alterego
    07-25 01:31 PM
    I hate to say it but this is starting to sound very much like an Alcoholics anonymous support group session. LOL.

    Let me jump right in!

    Get a grip guys. Life is not so bad. What you guys are worrying about is relatively trivial. The odds are heavily stacked in your favor for you to get the green card eventually, most likely within 2 yrs. I can't fathom another 2 plus years with no legislative relief. In the mean time as long as you stick to AC21 rules, you should have the courage to move jobs. Heck, with EAD, you could even move into something part time and try it out before finally deciding to commit etc. My point is you have tremendous flexibility, enjoy that.

    In the small chance things do not work out, then you have presumably had an opportunity to save enough to purchase a decent home in India(or wherever your home country may be), a car and your line of work(I'm referring to the predominantly IT folks here) is in such international demand that you will be able to earn a livable wage anywhere, including India.

    And here is the real shocker to many of you. There are millions of Americans(probably well over half) who will trade their position in life with you in a heart beat given the privilege, family and social support system, education, world view and demand you are in. Sometimes it is hard to see how blessed you actually are in this world. That is why I have taken a very grim view of people who have compared their issue to slavery etc. That only speaks to their unawareness of that practice.

    Now I know none of this is going to get you your green card tomorrow and improve your mistreatment in this needlessly ridiculous and tortuous green card journey. However I am hoping it atleast gives you some perspective.


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  • neverbefore
    07-14 11:26 AM
    I had gone to India for my father's 75th. b'day and planned to get my H-1 renewed. However, when I went to embassy, they said that I have to get clearance and will take one week. I said fine. One week became two weeks, then one month and then two months. I tried to contact embassy and other people, but of no use. My chief here in US, also tried. Meanwhile, my AP had arrive in US (we had filed for I485).( My wife had already got her H-1 approved and she had gone back.) She send me the AP. I contacted two of my lawyers; one said it is fine to come with AP, other said no. I send a letter to embassy asking about my travel with AP. They said, it is legal and not suggested!!!.
    So after waiting for two month, I took a chance and came here on AP. At the airport, they took more than one and half hours to get be cleared, meanwhile my wife was waiting for me outside, not knowing what was happening. She was in tears when I came out finally.
    After I came to US, I was informed from India that the US embassy had called and said that my name has been cleared and I should come to get my H1 visa stamped.!!!!!!!!

    Thank you very much Dinesh for this. Currently my spouse's passport is stuck in the same place for god-only-knows-what reason. The embassy staff said they are auditing every 2nd-3rd application. We have the AP but we were thinking that if we withdraw the H1B application, the embassy people might stamp the passport saying "Application Received" which sometimes can be a euphemism for "Visa Denied". I once got such a stamp when visa was denied to me.

    Since we would then always have to keep explaining at every stage why we have that stamp, that's why we are sticking on with H1B delay. We have been given the same time-frames as you were.

    When you withdrew your passport to travel on AP, did they stamp your passport with any text? Also could you please tell us the procedure you followed to withdraw your passport and whether you could collect it in person? We have been asked to email the US Embassy for withdrawing from our H1B application.

    Thanks buddy.

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  • pat123
    10-28 03:40 PM
    hahahaha.. good one.. what a support to Infy... height of slavery. I accept your veiw point as INFY's and YOURS view point. good keep it up.

    The signature Quote of yours give an answer for your view point.

    Read your Katha upanishad quote:

    Wise take the path of joy and Fools take the path of pleasure. I leave it your discretion whom you are!!!:p


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  • ndny
    07-25 02:24 PM
    I gets very severe migraine attack almost everyday thinking about the GC !! I took so many pain killers(acetameno) almost everyday ..now they also stopped working on me...and due to these apin killers ..I became acidic ..acidity everyday..even without eating spicy things...my wife says, probably my lever damaged ..don't like to visit doctors ...will it get worse ? I can't escape visiting IV everyday !! Any remedy for me will be highly appreciated....

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  • ramudu
    11-02 07:21 AM
    amitjoey, Thanks. I have sent a request to my senator yesterday and also mailed them all the copies of the documents. Just hoping that will also help. I was told that my file is already assigned to an IO and you will soon hear from USCIS. "Soon" in USCIS dictionary seems to be 30 to 45 days and thats very scary s that means it will about 130 days. I am just hoping they will approve soon. After approving it seems they are taking additonal 30 days to print the card.


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  • Aah_GC
    12-18 11:24 AM
    Guys, Just wondering if I would need a copy of my Perm and I140 while invoking AC21. I do have a copy of the I140 but my desi employer would not support me in any way. Please let me know.

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  • amitjoey
    03-21 11:19 AM
    I am from california and I will coordinate with the State chapter here. I know we have a lot of active californians in the state chapter. I will get in touch with them.


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  • howzatt
    07-19 11:51 AM
    TB skin test is not mandotory.
    I would recommend that you wife gets following tests done and have results ready when you go and see doctor on 15th.
    1) Blood test for HIV and RPR(syphilis)
    2) Chest XRay
    3) Vaccination - MMR, DT(Tetanus booster) and Varicella

    if you take the results of tests and proof of vaccination on the day of visit then the medical report can be given same day.

    I also recommend that you download form I-693 and I-693A , make few copies, fill up the information like name, A number, date of birth etc and have it ready for the physician to complete the rest of stuff. Make sure you don't sign the form until your doctor signs it. Also don't forget to ask for a copy of the completed for before he seals it.

    Hope this helps.

    Dont ask me when you get an RFE for your skin test. I believe I read it on these forums that a couple of people were specifically asked about their skin test.

    Even the doctors are supposed to give you a skin test and then the x-ray. If you have taken a skin test before, I think you can just take the x-ray now.

    Check this link


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  • sanjay
    07-02 03:47 PM
    Medical Fees: $718
    Attorney Fees: $1165
    Photographs: $43.26
    USCIS Fee: $1490
    Birth Certificates/Affidavits from India around: $300
    FedEx: $47.92 (overnight)

    Total: $3764.18.

    And did not value my hours for preparing forms and collecting documents.

    Request: May be USICS can calculate value for all those sleepless nights. (Let me know ASAP).


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  • eb3retro
    05-15 08:29 AM
    I guess this is 1st step in right direction. People with MS and PhD from US universities should be given preferential treatment.

    i agree..i do not have any masters from US, but defenitely support those people who have studied here going ahead of me in the line. this is merit based..

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  • gc_chahiye
    08-24 05:39 AM
    I still don't get it. There are around 300k AOS applications now pending. Given that there are only 10k EB based green cards for India, and I am sure there are more applications than 10k for FY2008 and still Visa bulletin for Oct indicates a date of Apr 2004. Should it not be "U" for the entire FY2008?

    how can it be U for whole of 2008? they have to atleast those 10K GCs to Indians and can only do so if the dates are not U.


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  • met3259
    05-25 03:21 PM
    This is a very good, logical, sensible analysis.

    I live in the US but I have been to canada a number of times on extended business visits, and my impression was that quality of life is very good over there. Granted, you dont earn as much money (or possess as much in material wealth, as someone put it) as in the US .. but that is compensated for by much safer neighborhoods, good social security and far more immigrant-friendly policies. The immigrants are much more integrated into society there than the US. I realize this may not be true for all regions for canada, but at least in BC and Ontario its very true. So it depends what you are after .. opportunity and earning potential are both better in the US .. but overall quality of life is as good or better over there. The quick turnaround time for permanent residency makes it very attractive for young people like me who havent already invested in settling down in the US .. I would rather live with "limited" opportunity there than remain in the US and be at the mercy of a single employer for 10 years.

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  • BharatPremi
    11-08 04:16 PM
    I had an infopass appointment in NY to get information on my case (specifically concerning the FP/Name check status, have received my EAD, AP). Although the officer was very courteous and seemed patient, he thought I had come there too soon for the inquiry. I got very sketchy information. He said one should wait at least 6 months after the 485 RD (mine is June 2007) before beginning inquiry (shoot me, I went a month too soon), and that it usually it takes a year (or more) after FP to get the GC, so I should not worry too much about my case for at least one more year.

    He said there is nothing to worry about and that there are �many small small things� that have to be taken care of after FP and FBI name check clearance before one gets the GC. I asked him what are the other �things� that need to be taken care of following the clearance on name check, but didn�t get an answer (�just small small things� is what he said again). I had to repeat my question about the status of FBI name check on my case three times during the conversation before I got an answer which was vague anyways (nothing�s been done yet). I was hoping to get some kind of information with regards to the status in terms of the search results (no record/hit etc.) but I didn�t get any information at all, so it was a disappointing meeting for me.

    Some pointers:

    *Have your print out of the appointment confirmation ready before you enter the building-the security officer outside the building checks it to verify that you indeed have an appointment there.
    *The queue at the entrance for security check was long, so make sure you reach there well ahead of the scheduled appointment.
    *There is one more counter in the lobby (and one more queue) where you get your token number for the infopass room. They asked to see the appointment confirmation receipt here as well.
    *The infopass interviews are held on the third floor. I waited for 30-35 mts. before my number was called.

    P.S. Received EAD card at home address and AP documents at the law firm address.

    When did you get your First LUD on AP and When did you get physical AP?


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  • leoindiano
    08-21 12:20 PM
    In last 2 days, 20th and 21st, Texas approved cases with 2002/2004 PD only, source:

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  • sunny1000
    02-08 05:28 PM
    I dont see any light at the tunnel. PDs will not move until they allow 485 filing even PD is not current.

    Please send the letter to WH if not already. As lasantha said, filing for I-485 when PD is not current is something IV is taking up with the administration. But, we need to get more letters to support our argument that this systemic dysfunction at USCIS is widespread and is affecting tens of thousands of people and not just a mere 1200 (that is the letters total so far and 10% of that comes from needhelp's efforts:))

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  • nrk
    10-26 09:06 PM
    I wanted to find about pre approved or pre adjudicated case, We have been hearing the same more often in the forum, so out of curiosity i opened a Service Request.

    I kind of have a good relation ship with the former employer, worked with them for 4 years. I just called my company HR and he said he does not know my name is on withdrawn list but he will check the list and let me know tomorrow.

    Is it just out of curiosity you inquired about your pending 485?

    Do you have a good relationship with your former employer? If so, you can ask them and verify if they withdrew your I-140...in any case that should not matter as long as you have passed the 6 months period after applying I-485.

    01-16 01:20 AM

    Sent letters to WH and IV. Besides, I printed 100 copies of the original template and kept them in an Indian grocery store, with the permission from the store owner, although it took a long time to explain our situation to the owner of the shop.


    You get a green dot:)
    We will soon be launching a similar campaign in NorCal.

    06-07 11:52 AM
    Hope you will pray for the best, unless the bill gets killed when you are back in the game.

    It is like we are waiting for batting, when the umpire is declaring rains !!