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Sunday, July 3, 2011

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  • amitjoey
    07-03 04:46 PM
    Can we use this to send it to reporters?

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  • addsf345
    05-29 05:21 PM
    We need to fix the problem of too few visa numbers available to I/C. If the waits in EB2/3 are not long, there is no reason there will be any significant abuse of EB1 visas. You are targetting the a mosquito and ignoring the elephant in the room.

    Gaurav, you are right on the it. I am not saying ignore or accept, but spend your efforts there where you can get maximum return.

    like creating new quota for PHD/Masters, Visa Recapture, removing country limit from skilled EB immigration and NOT counting family members/dependents in yearly limit. If we can get even one of above done, it would give the best mileage as compared to go all after EB-1 abuse. You surely can write to CIS/Ombudsman/whoever but support IV for above efforts.

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  • jonty_11
    07-11 06:11 PM
    I know people who got their GC in 7 months from the date they filed PERM. and then there are many people getting GCs every month. There are both good stories and bad stories to tell about getting GC in US.

    There were times when H1 quota never reached the limit during the whole fiscal year, now they get used in just 2 days. This mess in GC process is a result mainly due to our own actions (temporary workers and consulting companies hiring temporary workers). Do you think majority of us once we get GC, stay with the consulting company that filed for our GC? When a consulting company files for PERM, they already have a foreign national working under H-1B in that position. So where is the real intent to hire an American when some foreigner is already working at that position?

    This employment based GC is a way for us foreigners to immigrate to US easily at one point. Now due to our extreme usage and abuse of this process, there are genuine people who are being sponsored to immigrate to US are also suffering. In a true employment GC scenario, the company should be desperate to keep you for a long time (more than 6 years after H-1B is maxed) for your valuable skills that they were unable to find in others. But in most GC cases, looks like we temporary workers are more desperate than our employers for the GC? aren't we? Do you see any companies sweating on how to retain you with them, because you H-1B is expiring and they have no way to keep you?

    Do not put all the blame on US immigration system, the majority of the blame should fall on us and the companies who are helping us to get GCs when our cases are not based on genuine sponsors.
    You are just looking at a few rotten apples in an apple farm ..here....Just like software or a server, a system should be robust enough to endure abuse, if it does not it should be modified to do so....no one is stopping DOS/USCIS to put in more checks and ba;ances for GC or H1 Process.....question is will they ever do it...probably not...look at how CIR failed....So you have to look at the oeverall picture rather than pointing at isolcated cases of abuse....which are neglible compared to valid employment based GC cases.

    The US immigration system is broken and everyone knows it. That is why Microsoft opened new office in Vancouver.

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  • vbkris77
    05-29 11:14 AM
    So when there is less demand, they screwed us by not processing on-time and when there is more demand, they are processing ROW fast to give them more visas, so there won't be any spill-over. What a convenient system????

    Unless we understand that CIS/State is the reason for Visa wastage and not any specific country/group/EB1,EB2 etc.. We will not be able to fight united and till then we will not get this mess cleared.

    Mr. Oppenheim explained that a trickling effect of unused visa numbers between EB categories has helped keep EB1 and EB2 categories current in prior years. However, due to the processing of a high number of applications, this trickling effect has already occurred, but is not expected to occur again in FY2009. Mr. Oppenheim attributed this to the hard work of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), as well as that of the DOS, as they have succeeded in processing enough cases to likely use all available visa numbers from all categories for FY2009. He stated that the DOS and the USCIS are supposed to process enough cases to use the annual allotment of visa numbers and not leave any available visas unused and wasted in any fiscal year.


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  • HumJumboHathuJumbo
    09-23 04:00 PM
    are you sure that 5882 is dead ??? in that case, I agree lets do this on a major scale ...we don't have to say accurately how many people have not bought the house ...lets say 80% of legal high paying immigrants are not buying because they don't have a GC ..(I did not read the prev threads in detail ..but I guess we need to include everyone ..and not just those who have not yet taken the plunge ..as that is more realistic) ....

    this is not realistic! how will uscis validate your home buying?. do we submit house deeds with I-485 or send the deed later?.

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  • she81
    07-03 06:59 PM
    I digged all the comments but looks like someone is trying to bury them again and again...


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  • rahulpaper
    06-27 10:03 PM
    Isn�t the visa number limited to a upper threshold for each EB category for each country...How does these number move around between various countries....doesn�t that mean people from India and China (2 countries with most retrogression and paranoia) are looking at a very small number (~2K-4K) and not 40K in July?

    Can someone comment on this number issue?

    Yes I agree.. But if they don't move date foward then they can't approve those backlog applications.And they don't want to loose 40,000 visas . Now when they made all date current, they can approve all those pending application which are complete and just waiting for date to become current. Now we don't know real number and don't know how long it will take USCIS to do all approvals. But if they approve 40,000 in 2 weeks, I won't be surprised if they make it 'U' like other workers.

    But then question still remains why they made all current. They could have just moved it by year or so.. And I am sure they know how many application they can expect in July.. I already saw some where that we have around more then 80,000 approved perm.. All they going to apply.. And what about all whose labor just got approved fro Backlog centers?

    Its making everybody confused.. But its not in our hand and we can't do anything. Best thing is to file asap and just hope for best and we are always ready for worst..

    Just think if they make date 'U' in middle of july, how many member going to loose money. Each of us spent so much money this month and if nothing happens that we loose all of it.

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  • sertasheep
    07-03 04:42 PM
    We have the following stories compiled so far;

    New Jersey Member Stories (http://www.mydatabus.com/public/immigrationvoice/NJ_Stories_V5.pdf)

    Disclaimer:This is a PDF. Please use your discretion and caution in scanning it for viruses.

    Please note that we need all the extra help, and require your diligent set of eyes and ears.
    In addition to that, you can also publish your story here as a post along with your Name and bio details like in the above document.


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  • snathan
    08-16 01:55 AM
    Can you point to a single post praising the immigration system.

    He is confused immigration with security system

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  • a1b2c3
    05-30 01:47 PM
    I know this guy who was a junior to me and reporting to me in India. I resigned and moved with another company and later moved to US. After an year I joined the same company which I was working in India. Now this guy, just because having some relation with the VP made some arrangement and came to US on L1 and applied under EB1 and got his GC in 1.5 years. More over he was no good as manager and a pathetic programmer. Also he did no good to the company actually lost a few clients and when he got his ass on fire he moved to other company and started working as a pathetic programmer with his GC

    AAAHHHHH... nuts nuts nuts.. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1... hooo.. :) controlling my anger..

    I was also mad like you are today when the lawyers were busy filing for 140 + 485 during the entire month of July 07 and ignoring other applicants. I counted all the way from 100.:D
    And now you can also imagine how mad would many EB3-I filers would be with PDs in early 2002.


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  • desi3933
    07-29 12:28 PM
    This does not mean that the CIS has closed out all of the pre-2006 cases pending in their inventory. Far from it. When the new fiscal year starts, Indian E2 is likely to retrogress back to late 2002 or early 2003. This is roughly the point reached by the CIS in processing their inventory of pending cases.

    I agree with this comment. Starting Oct, EB2-Ind is likely to retrogress to 03/2003 to 06/2003.

    Not a legal advice.

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  • jayleno
    07-27 09:14 AM
    Buddy Kushal,

    You have guts my friend. A real quickstar indeed. Please PM me. I will join quickstar, I'm really impressed with your speech here. You had me at US Army. I didn't read the rest of it.

    P.S. I dont flip channels, my wife does and I watch whatever is playing. I sip beer and burp after. I hope I'm qualified to join.

    Its like asking an anti-immigrant, what you think about legal/illegal immigration?

    I guess you would get better idea if you call up Amway corporation or FTC and find out. And not from other who spend their time flipping channels and burping beer.
    As far as I know there are people from US Army, NASA scientists, NFL players, pastors etc.....from different background are very successfully building the franchise business. No wonder they are growing $1.2 billion dollars every year since 1950.
    Of course is not for everyone; its only for people who know the power of free enterprise on which this country is built on.

    Question is whether it will work for you? Your families finances are decided by you, and not by any other people. If you do take advice from other, then you will be flipping channels and burping beer too, and it takes one big financial hit to wipe you off the slate.


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  • northstar
    07-21 01:16 PM
    Because of all these experiences, even when you genuinely smile or strike a conversation with a desi, he/she first suspects you to be an ammway guy. I face it everyday, being "outgoing extrovert" in nature, I tend to smile and talk to people in elevators, walkways, malls, restrooms, groceries etc... which is mostly casual fun stuff and most times desis suspect that I am a ammway guy and cut me out harshly.

    That is so true chandu, a few bad apples are destroying the social fabric of entire desi community.

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  • sayantan76
    09-23 12:41 PM
    I think the $700 billion bail-out will just go down the drain and will be lost due to market speculation...stocks will spike but then will go back to its lows or even lower....and then, check-mate!

    it's like a band-aid to a big wound.
    The 700Bn or whatever the final number is not entirely a drain.....

    the thing with all these exotic securities is not that they are completely worthless but that there is no market for these right now and hence are illiquid - so if someone had the ability to keep these securities for a long term (say 30 years - since most mortgages are for 30 years) on their balance sheet - they may not lose as much money as they would if they tried to liquidate these investments in the short term.

    Financial Institutions typically borrow short term to invest in long term investments and keep renewing the short term borrowings - since the underlying investment has become illiquid - it has become difficult to raise financing against it. the govt, howver, can take a long term view and be patient....who knows.....in the end - the Govt may actually come out with positive cash flow at the end of all this mess. So, the bail-out plan may not be as bad an idea as media is portraying it to be.........in short-term - it does take US into further indebtedness.

    I already have a GC - so this debate does not impact me personally - but this is against the basic principals of natural justice.......GC applicants were placed into certain EB categories based on job descriptions and qualifications and then within queues assigned priority dates based on certain logic and are currently being approved based on PD and country quotas..........all these rules were known and published prior to companies and people applying for these GCs.....

    No matter what the incremental benefit is, I think its blatantly unfair (like it was blatantly unfair to push some people to labor backlog centers and approving people with later PDs first) to change the rules of engagement and prioritization midway through the process and give preference to someone based on an ability to invest certain $$s in an house.......buying a house is a commercial and lifestyle decision........should not be a precursor to a USCIS adjudication.......

    keep the red dots coming folks!


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  • walking_dude
    02-13 01:38 PM
    It has been repeated 'Ad Nauseam' times. IVs agenda includes all of these -

    1) Increasing GC numbers
    2) Recapturing numbers and instituting permanent Rollover mechanisms
    3) Eliminate country quotas.

    IV understands that removing just the country quota will impact ROW badly if visa numbers are not increased in tandem. Hence you always see the three points being proposed together. These 3 have to go together. A compromise between ROW and oversubscribed countries.

    But some ROW members keep trying to split the movement by opposing removal of country quotas ( which is point 2 in IV agenda) at every possible opportunity. Real way to build a coalition is through compromise. And in a compromise you can't get all you want. Don't expect the majority to heed all your demands.

    Be a little appreciative of the sufferings of others. If you think a little extra time you need to spend in the queue is turning you so angry, what goes in the mind of a person who has to spend twice or thrice as much time in the same queue, for no fault of his/hers?

    Don't BS on 'diversity'. There is already a 'diversity visa' which Indians & Chinese cannot use. Want to come under diversity? Apply in the lottery. Be a little humane and think about the suffering of others. May be you'll see the light. You are not going to win many friends by alleging "an agenda by some country". It's preposturous, laughable and Dobbsian ( like Lou Dobbs alleged "invasion by Mexicans")

    I don't think removing the per country cap will solve the problem. It will balance retrogression by giving each country equal share of misery while the visa number allocation per year stays the same. It also requires changes in the statute which is almost impossible to happen because the legislators, either Dem. or GOP, will not agree to removing the cap. So let's be realistic.

    The best solution is to recapture unused visas from previous years and increase the quota per year.

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  • miguy
    03-20 08:11 AM
    You can renew your permanent resident card only if you lived in canada for atleast 2 years in 5 years. And to get the card, you need to get a guarantor signature who knows you for atleast 2 years e.g. a physician, attorney, etc


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  • chantu
    04-02 09:05 AM
    Why I don't like Congress..


    And our current PM is a Sikh. That is why I am saying that MMS does not have spine. He does not have self respect. He is warming PM's chair until Yuvraj is ready. There is no use of good academic record if you are a shameless chaprasi.

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  • ramus
    07-03 03:52 PM
    Which congressman did you call?

    I talked to someone & got immediate appointment. Few minutes later I got anoter call back to reaffirm teir support

    Please call your congressman office. I am only asking them to ask USCIS to receive the application instead of rejecting it

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  • meridiani.planum
    07-30 06:31 AM

    posted 07-24 09:59 AM

    Ron Gotcher has some thoughts on India E2 movement over the next two months.

    More and more, I see people posting messages containing the unspoken assumption that since the Indian E2 cutoff date has moved forward, it is likely to move forward further in the coming months. This is a false hope.

    Even with a cutoff date in early 2003, the CIS has sufficient inventory of Indian E2 adjustments on file to use up the remaining inventory of E2 visas for this fiscal year. The reason that the Visa Office advanced the priority date is to move it up to the point where overseas consular posts can take up the slack left by the CIS's inability to close out enough cases and avoid wasting visas this year.

    The CIS inventory of pending cases is massive. If there were no quota at all - if everyone were suddenly "current" - and no new cases were filed after today, it would still take the CIS four to five years to close out all of the pending cases that they already have in their inventory.

    Overseas consular posts maintain inventories of cases as well. When the priority date for a particular case starts to edge forward and it appears that the applicant may become "current' in the not too distant future, the applicant is told to submit all required supporting documents to the post or the NVC. When this is done, the applicant is reported to the Visa Office as being "documentarily qualified." This means that the case is in a position where an immigrant visa can be issued to the applicant as soon as a visa number becomes available.

    The inventory of documentarily qualified cases with current priority dates at a consular post never exceeds that post's ability to process all such cases within sixty days. Consular posts have very high bandwidth processing capabilities. No matter how many cases become current, they are able to process all of them within sixty days.

    The reason that the Indian E2 cutoff date has moved forward is that the Visa Office fears that the CIS will not be able to adjudicate enough adjustment of status applications to exhaust the annual quota. They have advanced the cutoff date in order to make more cases overseas eligible for final processing.

    This means that overseas consular posts have exhausted their inventories of Indian E2 cases with priority dates earlier than 2006 and the Visa Office had to move the cutoff date forward in order to make more cases eligible to be closed out.

    This does not mean that the CIS has closed out all of the pre-2006 cases pending in their inventory. Far from it. When the new fiscal year starts, Indian E2 is likely to retrogress back to late 2002 or early 2003. This is roughly the point reached by the CIS in processing their inventory of pending cases.

    Please understand that this is a temporary phenomenon and due entirely to the difference in the processing capabilities of the CIS and the overseas consular posts.

    I hope this clarifies matters.

    Ron Gotcher

    this makes no sense (with all due respect to Mr Gotcher). He basically claims that PD has been moved to allow CP cases to be processed faster to avoid visa number wastage.. However he also says that there is a huge backlog of AOS cases. Looking at how many CP cases are being called for interview in mumbai and delhi (low hundreds) I dont see how CP alone can help avoid a big wastage of visas. If USCIS is still 20k short, then its the massive pile of AOS cases they should be using, just like they did last year.

    Also, if they waste visa numbers this year, it would be really gross incompetence. EB2-India has gone all the way from 2000 to 2006 this year. They slack off at the start of the year, then scramble in the end. I dont know why they follow this approach knowing full well that right at the end it puts them in a soup.

    07-28 11:45 AM
    Jayleno - me thinking sane is the reason you didn't hear from me in any malls/WM :) but I was a minority in BWW who believes in waiting till you find like minded people who are looking. cold contacting is just going against human instincts. you can't simply talk to a person about something to get his phone number and call them about this business next day. that is a reg flag right there. i couldn't do it and hence not with this business anymore. many of us are not ready to think about making millions in few short years. some people need to understand that you can't rub that idea with force on another human being.

    in BWW terms, i was a quitter who can't take the business to the next level because I was afraid of rejection (getting a NO from prospects)..

    Thanks for your perspective and it explains not only about BWW but about cold contacting in general.

    I used to be very very active in IV campaigns and tried to get people sign up for IV activities. We had lobby days, workshops etc.... and we found it very difficult to explain or get people on board for IV activities though it is beneficial for them. Most people would give us the same treatment that they give the Ammway folks.

    01-16 07:20 PM
    There is no such requirement for fresh H1B as well as renewal as per Law. That is why we call it an ILLEGAL memo. We all need to fight this together.

    NB: I am not a specialist in law

    We need to come up with a road map and how to fight?