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Friday, July 1, 2011

Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special

images mcctan24#39; 2008 Harley-Davidson Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. 70003. 2008
  • 70003. 2008

  • grimreaper
    07-21 05:10 PM
    I've also been approached by Amway people both in the Bay Area and beyond. I despise their tactics and their deception as much as (or more than!) anyone.

    But let's not let it affect our community. Let's not let a few bad apples ruin that unmistakable bond we feel in America when we spot a fellow desi from afar. Now, any time I approach a desi to make a friend, I state in a jovial-yet-serious way, "don't worry, I'm not one of those Amway guys!" That's obviously not the first thing I say, but I make sure to throw that line in during the first minute or so of the conversation. If the fellow desi knows Amway, it gets a laugh, "oh, phew, that's a relief!" Once at an IKEA, I saw a desi who seemed to be following me. Turned out he wasn't following me at all. I asked him in a clearly joking tone, "Please tell me you're not with Amway!" He burst out laughing and we became friends (needless to say, he was not with Amway!).

    So why don't we all agree on a similar approach? If we meet each other in public, let's simply state that we're not with Amway. And if you're accosted, simply ask that person if they're affiliated with Amway. Plain and simple.

    How does this sound to others?

    Sounds like a good approach. I am going to use this line as a greeter in the future.

    wallpaper 70003. 2008 Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod
  • Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod

  • smuggymba
    07-22 09:07 AM
    We desis are too polite and can't say NO easily like others. I have learnt to say NO in the US now, makes my life much easier....be nice and say no politely.

    Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. Us. Harley-davidson Vrscdx
  • Us. Harley-davidson Vrscdx

  • lazycis
    02-14 02:59 PM
    Life's not simple. It's not A or B. It's usually A and B that succeeds. Like I mentioned in an earlier post going ahead with option A (lawsuit) closes option B ( meetings and negotiations).

    Best approach is IV keeps option B (lobbying) open while a group that agrees option A is better continues to pursue it. There is a lot of support for this measure here. What it lacks is a convinced leadership! Once the leadership emerges and there is action on the ground, who knows, the skeptics may join too.

    Totally agree. A and B are not mutually exclusive. We need to push for admin fix and in the meantime explore lawsuit possibility WITHOUT using IV name (does not mean IV members cannot participate as individuals in the lawsuit).

    2011 Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. Harley Davidson Night Rod 2008
  • Harley Davidson Night Rod 2008

  • poorslumdog
    05-03 01:48 AM

    Dude you are missing his point. He did not call Tamils terrorists. he called LTTE terrorists and that is TRUE in all senses of the word.

    Its not he....Its you...yes, you are the one comng in three different IDs and supporting yourself.:eek:


    Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. harley-davidson-2008-night
  • harley-davidson-2008-night

  • valuablehurdle
    08-16 04:00 PM
    Thousands get 'Frisked'. It really feels bad when you are in that position. This has become a way of life here. Only when a celebrity is frisked, it becomes a news. Who will care about the thousands of silent ordinary people who are unfairly treated because of the color of their skin?

    Btw: My name includes a 'Shiva' and Not a 'Khan'.

    Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. 2008 Harley-Davidson VRSC
  • 2008 Harley-Davidson VRSC

  • krishnam70
    07-10 01:42 PM
    Wish you the very best byeusa......

    I might be moving to Canada next summer if there is no progress in my case here...My PD is Nov 2003 EB-3...I got my Canadian PR in May 2005 and I have until May 2008 to move.....So keeping my fingers crossed..I too work for a Canadian company in US.....Wish you good luck...

    we have until july 2008 to move in to canada, lets see its probably bye bye usa if something does not happen until then. tired of waiting for this elusive GC, my story is verry verry similar to byeusa..


    Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. 2008 night rod special 5 gear
  • 2008 night rod special 5 gear

  • manubilga
    02-13 07:35 PM
    I Am Candian Citizan With Eb3 Pd Is Nov 04 And I 140 Approved In Sept 06 I Do Not Know How Long Take To File I485

    2010 Us. Harley-davidson Vrscdx Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. mcctan24#39; 2008 Harley-Davidson
  • mcctan24#39; 2008 Harley-Davidson

  • TeddyKoochu
    01-15 03:01 PM
    I thought the same way as you did too. I am no fan of these job shop companies but remember some one will pay the price and face hardships I hope its just those companies not the employees. But the way things are if this gets effective employees can also get into a limbo - which I dont like - like say someone has gone for visa stamping and that gets denied or worst his/her family is still in the US - or something like that. Its true that the employee should try and look for a new job opportunity meeting new regulations but its not easy as it sounds.

    More important point to consider is that new rules/regulations the way I understand it were suddenly implemented mid-stream - you cant do that. What if in after some time they apply same regulations to say people on EAD and using AC21 (i am still not clear whether it already applies to EAD we will have to wait for legal experts to comment) ? Or worse yet they come up with new regulations for people who already have their GC's approved ?


    In Para 1, I think you have answered your own dilemma. With due respect and regard to all nobody is a fan of consulting companies except for maybe themselves, but many good and well qualified people work for them for various reasons as some of the posters have summarized most important one being the Green card. The current memo is almost like a notice to gradually shut shop for them, it impacts not only the company but the employee and his / her family. If somebody has to return because of a re-definition of "Employer/Employee" then it�s a really bad thing to happen, in this case the ship will sink with all on board.

    In Para 2, I believe again you are right, low hanging fruits and easy soft targets are the first to be picked up. I think more enforcement would follow, I think it started with issuing RFE's for end client letters(This is a mandatory requirement now for consulting companies). You are correct in saying that the target audience might be the next level!

    The entire memo is disastrous for the entire immigrant community waiting for GC. Worst of are the people who have to file their extensions soon or have to travel.


    Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. it. Harley Davidson: due
  • it. Harley Davidson: due

  • gomirage
    06-12 10:30 PM
    Exactly what I had tried to express, you have succinctly put them in numbers. Thank you

    Both of you are missing the point. No matter how you spin it, 140,000 people getting GC per is better than reduced quota of say 80,000.

    Have you asked yourselves how you would fare if H1B program did not exist. I am not saying that you will not get GC without h1b and EB programs, sure you could go the uggly way, getting married to the fat lady in your apartment building for example.

    To sum it up I would take long wait compared to no program or a nobel-prizes only program, any day of the week.


    hair Harley Davidson Night Rod 2008 Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. 78006. 2008
  • 78006. 2008

  • angelfire76
    06-02 05:59 PM
    This is what I am trying to tell you.
    Nobody will do it. Because we all are scared of risking our name added in the lawsuit against USCIS. We will all talk about filing lawsuit but cannot really do it.

    How those Indian guys over in the UK filed their lawsuit against UK immigration changing it's rules without notice? I think they filed a public litigation against the government.


    Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. The VRSCDX Night Rod Special,
  • The VRSCDX Night Rod Special,

  • lordoftherings
    07-10 11:06 AM
    Vancouver is really a nice place with beautiful climate all the year around even better than seattle. Good Luck!!


    hot harley-davidson-2008-night Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. Night Rod Special is just more
  • Night Rod Special is just more

  • immiMar2005
    07-29 11:54 AM
    Dear Attorney,

    I was sponsored for a GC by my current employed through EB3-India category with a PD of Mar 2005. I currently have a three year H1B visa valid until end of 2010 based on the approved I-140. I was unable to file for 485 during last year's July fiasco.

    Do you see any issues with my taking up a job with a new employer and maintaining my current GC process? Filing a new I-140 under EB2 is a possibility as well.

    Thank you in advance!


    house mcctan24#39; 2008 Harley-Davidson Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. ModelVRSCDX Night Rod Special
  • ModelVRSCDX Night Rod Special

  • number30
    04-01 05:27 PM
    Well said !

    He has mistrusted us. I do remember throwing his wiket by giving simple catch on mid-on/off and getting run out others ! When CBI raided his home, they found 3 -4 crore of watches in his jwell box. Wonder how much money he might have made with working top bookies ? He/Sanjay Dutt and other like them know that it might come back anytime so they are getting prepared politically.


    India Should go election reforms first. All these bad politicians are coming because of voters without responsibility are voting. For some 500Rs is like one weeks ration. So no wander if they sell this commodity. So for the voters we should put the qualifications like paying the taxes are having something like 10 acre of Land or certain education requirement. So that Politicians cannot bribe the voters easily. Also that would stop the announcement like free TV free Laptop. Like US during freedom war no representation no tax. In India it should be no tax no vote. That way we can curb pompous politicians.

    In Some way need to avoid such nonsense.

    tattoo 2008 Harley-Davidson VRSC Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. 08 Harley-Davidson VRSCDX
  • 08 Harley-Davidson VRSCDX

  • syendu1
    01-14 06:43 PM
    well, the people who are in eb3 and cannot do anything about it, for reasons that you quoted, i agree, it is a pity. but, you know what, "life is not fair".
    Yes life is not fair but when we get a chance to be fair we (And that includes me also) let it go by.

    it is a good thing u worry about others, and want to help them. however, when u look at those bills you mentioned and none getting passed. yes, it may look like a waste to do anything. however, we need to keep trying. with the limited resources we have, i think we should focus on "things/bills/issues" the IMPACT most people. doing something only for eb3 or eb2, in my opinion, would be even more difficult, given the progress legal immigration has made in this country. so, may be, u cud help in getting the things done that impact more people.
    What i porposed was doing something in the DV bill for badly retrogressed applicants (There wil be no reference to EB3 or EB2). Now the fact that this might help EB3 is because EB3 is the most badly retrogressed section.

    and it is ur decision not to go eb2 (even, with the resources you mentioned). have to admit, thats strange. may be u r like me, who is not obsessed with a gc. however, we live in a society, in a system (however flawed it may be), and we all try to live by those rules, try to use opportunities that are available legally and make our lives, a little better.
    You know what i was tempted to do EB2 but my sense of right and wrong prevented me. My mess up the already loaded and unstable system with another app when i already have one. Now for persons who are in EB3 (Please remove me from the equation) are thier not because they wanted to but because of the way thei whole immigration crap has evolved. Sure porting will help me out and i wil not need to justify this to anyone else but i will have to face myself. I know most people do not get it. It is doing right.

    i came to this country in 1999, i have a MS, PHD from a reputed Comp Sci program. Many people who (still) dont know much about Computer Sci. came into the dept, got their MS and have been very successful, making tons of money. i am a guy whose bs, ms and phd is in Comp Sci. i think u will find may 2 or 3 guz out of may 10, who have a degree in CS, particularly in the undergrad. i used to be very mad at all the electrical, mechanical etc guz getting software jobs. i used to hate almost all software professionals coz i thought i had to work very had for my ranks, on my gpa and on my degrees and see there are people who are making as much as i do, with none of that. slowly, but surely, i have come to terms that "life is not fair" and then, what if fellow human beings can get good jobs, whats wrong with that?? is how i started to see it, (as long as they are good enough).
    No comments there i agree with you

    what i am trying to say is please think in a global scale and help solve issues which can impact the MOST number of people and not just a minority. coz, the exceptions u stated, will be there for any issue.
    Global scale. I thought we were on scale of US. Please let me correct you EB3 is not a minority but a Majority in the EB community. just because a situation is not worth helping is not any reason to not step forward. I personally feel that IV can do something which will help EB3 because that i sthe only category which has no help from anyone. As for EB2 i have no grudges against them . You got your GC or will get it soon and all the best of luck to you, but if something can be done for EB3 it should be

    Jai Hind

    well, it is noble to do what is "right" and to always stand for it. but, i dont believe for a second porting is "wrong". u wouldn't agree though but u dont have problems when others port. i have no argument about that.

    people r in eb3, not becoz they want to. sure, i agree, given a choice, everyone will pick eb1. however, the question is, why have they been put there?? nobody forced them to. u dont qualify for other categories, u deal with it. (there may a few exceptions to that). so, i wud not feel really bad for people who had to be in eb3 (cud be lack of need qualifications or any other reasons, even things out of their control). as i said "life is not fair".

    i think it is global, aren't there ROW eb3 people who are retrogressed as well. now, u may have a point in saying that eb3 is the majority. isn't that the case anywhere. take a look at the train (first class- few people, second class - more, general -- a lot). pls dont take this example as derogatory, becoz i dont mean it that way. my intention is usually the most generic category (that which may apply to most people) is most crowded. so, doing something wud probably impact a whole number of people--which means yes, anything possible that somebody can, should and must do.

    however, that and being ahead in time, cannot be used as the only reasons to bypass eb2 and service or even share with eb3 (i think this was something proposed by some eb3 folks on this forum), i wud not agree. there were some other suggestions too, that i thought was not right. and i have already talked to you about my logic as to why.

    i just thought working towards something that applies to "ALL" would be the way to go. But, I can kind of see your point too. Best of luck in whatever you do.

    Finally, I did not answer your reply promptly as I was on my way back from work and I replied the first chance I got. (now, i'll go watch social network and relax, i have family visiting me). and thanks for wishing me for my gc. i wish the same to u.

    Jai Hind


    pictures 2008 night rod special 5 gear Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. 2011 Harley Davidson Night Rod
  • 2011 Harley Davidson Night Rod

  • simple1
    05-18 05:15 PM
    To me: sinhalas and tamils look very similar.
    This guy even goes further and says they are one and the same.


    The present day Sinhala-Tamil conflict though originally a conflict between followers of Hinduism and the neo converts to Buddhism had morphed into a conflict between casteist Tamil Hindus and Tamil followers of ‘Organized Buddhism’ to a conflict between Tamils and Sinhala with the converted Buddhist shifting there allegiance to Pali/Sinhala.Organized Buddhism succeeded in separating Elangai from Tamilakam with its own language of Pali/Sinhala.

    dresses Night Rod Special is just more Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. 2008 Harley Davidson VRSCDX
  • 2008 Harley Davidson VRSCDX

  • shree772000
    09-04 01:38 PM
    May he rest in peace...


    makeup it. Harley Davidson: due Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. mcctan24#39; 2008 Harley-Davidson
  • mcctan24#39; 2008 Harley-Davidson

  • dreamworld
    05-02 01:12 AM
    Guys Peace..

    Every freedom fighter is a terrorist first. We can get this from history. Do you know who killed
    mahatma? Why? We can make a different argument. But there are differences between freedom fighters. But the ultimate goal is getting real freedom to the civilians who are fellow souls suffering from all kinds of issues from majority rulers.

    Not a single way to solve our immigration issue here in USA and not just ImmigrationVoice is fighting. It applies to any freedom struggle. There are many different freedom fighters fight for the same people for the same case.

    Guys look at Srilanka Tamil as Native Tamils from Srilanka and look what was done to them in the last 50 years from the beginning of Srilanka independence from British. Know the history and then make your point.

    There is a large humanitarian crisis for Srilanka Tamil in northern Srilanka after the Srilanka military invasion and world is ignoring it.

    I know nothing can be brought by killing people but only by peace and democratic and diplomatic approach can bring peace. Peace and Pray for all fallen freedom fighters in the world. Peace and NO WAR.

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  • Harley Davidson VRSCDX Night

  • gvenkat
    02-13 01:57 PM
    Per country quota is what is killing India/China.. and that is the fact.. on an average ROW person waits for 3 years whereas India/China wait for eons.. as WD said if some one wants diversity go apply for a lottery or for better seek asylum... :mad::mad:

    hairstyles The VRSCDX Night Rod Special, Harley Davidson 2008 Night Rod Special. Hanover, Pa 17331. 2008
  • Hanover, Pa 17331. 2008

  • hiralal
    08-16 07:38 AM
    I am a patriotic Indian. Why the hell cant this Khan guy go through the same ordeal as an ordinary Indian or any other passenger. Why all the fuss? Is he god??? Hell NO...I would just tell him to shut up and carry on with life. He is an idiot and just doing this for more publicity. How many Indian muslims go through this shit everyday? Why cant he tolerate this 2 hr ordeal like an ordinary Indian muslim or for that matter hindu? Racial profiling is for everyone who is colored and non-US citizen. He is not a good guy as he cant even take a 2 hr ordeal as an ordinary citizen because he thinks he is GOD...when in fact he is as ordinary as anybody. Just because he has money, name and fame should be become god? no way. I dont mind if the Indian airport security frisked Tom Cruise or any other actor. Who cares!! Its our countrys security, but you know what India wont do that as all the airport officials incl. security are so corrupt and also if they see white skin they will just allow them freely thinking they are god!! thats our stupidity not the americans???

    I am glad this happened to the so called "King Khan" as he is king only in his mind. Not for me because for me he is a talented actor other than that he is not GOD but just a mere human being..
    I sort of agree with the above - why all this fuss - it should be an eye opener to him that he is a human after all. maybe he should become more charitable to poor Indians like hollywood stars are if he wants to earn my respect. there is too much of hero worship in India and they sort of think themselves as god (it is not just SRK but even cricketers like Tendulkar etc - they are just not charitable like steve waugh etc)

    Read SRK's latest comment "'King' Khan stunned the large number of Indian-Americans when he told them that he does not feel like stepping on the American soil any more, but it is the love and affection of millions of his fans in the US which would bring him to this country again and again. "

    it is like saying - I don't like Cake - I hate it --- but I will eat it again and again --hopefully he will face ordeal like this again and again :D

    07-28 08:45 PM
    Dear Sir,

    This is my situation

    1. Applied for H1B Extension on Jul-10-2007
    2. Got RFE on Mar-2008 and replied to RFE on Apr-2008
    RFE: 1. client contract 2. last 2 yrs my tax return
    3. After Reply to RFE no news from USCIS
    4. Applied for Premium processing on Jul-14-2008
    5. I485 Pending and having EAD/AP for my family and Jul-09-2008 applied for EAD Renewal

    My Questions:
    1. Since my H1B expired on Jul-14 What is my status? Can I work till I get my H1B approval?.

    2. How can I expedite the H1B Process ? (already upgraded to PP)
    3. If I get approval , do I need to go back to home country to get stamping?

    Thanks for your time and help.


    08-07 12:34 PM

    *Company A has filled for my H1B Cancellation on June 20 but have visa stamped (valid till 2010).
    * Company B has filed for my H1B Transfer.(Have upgraded to Premium processing)
    * Have to enter canada on/before 4th Sept to validate canadian PR (will have to go to canada only for few days).

    Q: Can I re-enter in the US from on a VISA(Valid till 2010) from company A + Approved I-797 from company B?

    Your help will be appreciated!


    No you will have to get your visa stamped with the new approval from Company B before reentering the US.