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Sunday, July 3, 2011

fourth of july fireworks background

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  • hairstyles july fireworks

  • gc_lover
    06-28 12:52 PM
    it is fine to fedex on saturday or not..Please let me know. I have to call my lawyer.

    Yes it is fine.

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  • fourth of july fireworks

  • kaisersose
    02-12 06:15 PM
    To fix the problem for everybody need both (1) increase in visa numbers and (2) remove/increase country quota, IMHO.

    Only India and China & one or two more countries will support the removal of country limit. The rest of the world will actually oppopse this move as it will have a negative impact on their processing times greatly.

    There was a discussion on this on sometime ago.

    fourth of july fireworks background. 4th of July Fireworks
  • 4th of July Fireworks

  • swamy
    12-13 01:14 PM
    Here's the percentages of the top 10 populations of the world by nationality. How many of them are more than 7% ?

    China 20.0 %
    India 17.2 %
    United States 4.6 %
    Indonesia 3.4 %
    Brazil 2.8 %
    Pakistan 2.6 %
    Nigeria 2.5 %
    Russia 2.2 %
    Bangladesh 2.1 %
    Japan 2.0 %

    Based on this one can conclude that the 7% nationality rule is a veiled effort to limit Indian and Chinese immigrants specifically. Does this not amount to discrimination by nationality ? In addition we as legal immigrants are taxed without any representation. Taxation without representation was the reason the US was created in the first place.

    US history is full of examples where discrimination existed in one form or another and these discriminations were sucessfully challenged. A few examples are women's voting rights, minority voting rights and gerrymandering. These are good examples to study where the affected people had no legal voice to begin with.

    The civil rights movement is a recent example. There were existing laws that limited people from voting based on their literacy levels in the southern states. The literacy requirement for voting was really a thinly veiled attempt to limit voting rights of african americans for as long as possible. The civil rights movement was about changing these artificial laws to give voting rights to people who legally had no voice.

    You don't need to be a lawyer to speak up for your hardships as a law abiding resident. This country has tremendous protections for people living here which is what makes it great. We as an immigrant community need to build our awareness of US history and government if we expect things to change.

    I kind of agree. Sometimes laws are just thinly veiled attempts to discriminate and at other times they just didn't foresee it becoming discriminatory. Given the it was written by Sen. Kennedy, I doubt it was a deliberate attempt to choke Indians or anyother national. It was just a poorly thought out & unnecessary restriction. Even the ceiling was just to appease fearmongers. Given people wont be offered jobs if there aren't any, wheres the need for a ceiling if existing labor laws on bidding down wages are enforced(which are by the way). For two years in a row, H1 quota wasn't used precisely because of that. & if H1 is the first step, theres an even stronger argument for doing away with EB quotas- but given the current environment obviously fearmongers rule (so we're the one 'acquiescing' Lou). I think we should make the case but as Mark pointed out its costly and not the best strategy for us.

    2011 fourth of july fireworks fourth of july fireworks background. July Fourth Postcard, c.
  • July Fourth Postcard, c.

  • nogc_noproblem
    07-23 12:43 PM
    Correct, unlike in the past, USICS do have some constructive numbers with them now.

    I am very very skeptical about the claim that USCIS moved the dates to June 2006 in a random fashion. They could have moved it to Dec 2005, but they moved it to June 2006 because they have the ACTUAL GC numbers (unlike us:)) and they have an estimate of how many could be adjudicated.

    Wishful thinking? May be. But everything points to above.


    fourth of july fireworks background. Fireworks start at dusk July 4
  • Fireworks start at dusk July 4

  • alisa
    07-04 10:57 AM
    I am sick and tired of cookie cutter responses from lawmakers staff. They have a standard template, that starts off with how concerned they are that the immigration system is broken, and their concern for American companies and workers and H-1b.
    Enough of that freaking rubbish....

    Lets send them letters, and specifically ask them
    a) Do you condemn USCIS/DOS behavior, or do you commend it?
    b) Do you sympathise with the plight of the employment based greencard applicants or not?
    Finally, say that their response will be posted on online public forums so that it can be shared with other employment based greencard applicants.

    fourth of july fireworks background. the 4th of July fireworks
  • the 4th of July fireworks

  • ss1026
    03-29 01:38 PM
    To those ignorants or idiots who voted for Rahul Gandhi or Sonia Gandhi:

    This is a book shows facts about Nehru Dynasty in India: http://www.scribd.com/doc/1777536/Nehru-Gandhi-Family-Secrets

    US just elected a President who father and step father are Muslims. And that is great and the world appreciates that because it shows that this country can judge a person by his skills or character and not get stuck in bigoted views about muslims or other minorities. And we love this country for that

    But when it comes to India, don't you think of voting for Rahul gandhi because he might have some blood of either a parsi or ('god forbid') muslim in him. That certainly should dis qualify him, shouldn't it. Nepotism is certainly bad but this takes the cake. Dont vote for him because he might be 10% parsi/muslim (I am sure you have not forgotten about the italian heritage but you can raise that later). But certainly criminals and perpetrators of Genocide would be desirable PM choices. Rock on


    fourth of july fireworks background. 4th of July Fireworks
  • 4th of July Fireworks

  • vinabath
    10-24 11:01 AM
    If you join Microsoft , you might get less salary but they pay your insurance 100%. Is microsoft selling insurance to you?? its just a benefit/perk being an employee of microsoft.

    same thing here too... pre-approved labor is just a perk/benefit offered by employer to hire you with less salary. so if you think you sacrificed your salary to get to cut the line for getting GC then you are thinking right.if not please stop thinking like socialist.

    It all about money and business brother.

    2010 4th of July Fireworks fourth of july fireworks background. Fireworks, firework, fourth of
  • Fireworks, firework, fourth of

  • psgprasad
    07-03 04:34 PM
    Requesting IV core to setup webfax and IV action items to call senators and congressmen on the mid month retrogression issue and bad process followed by USCIS and DOS

    The response by congresswoman Rep. Lofgren should be added in the webfax and our phone calls.


    fourth of july fireworks background. wallpaper 4th of July
  • wallpaper 4th of July

  • Macaca
    06-28 07:51 PM
    I am analyzing for EB-2 (India). The current date for EB-2 India was Apr 1 2004 for month of June.

    Retrogression started Oct 1 2005. Before Oct 1 2005, persons with PD < Oct 1 2005 (remember PERM) could have submitted I-485. Some (not all remember namecheck) of these would be ready for adj June 1st 2007. These applicants can be divided into 2 categories: those with PD <= Apr 1 2004 and those with PD > Apr 1 2004.

    Applicants in first category will get GC in June and applicants in 2nd category will get GC in Jul. These applicants can exhaust 2007 quota.

    USCIS is taking 3 weeks for notification of 485's submiited in June. I would be very surprised if they process a June submission in < 3 months. So chances of June applicant using GC number are low.

    USCIS knew # applicants in above 2 categories: this appears trivial. If these applicants exhaust 2007 quota, USCIS knew that quota will get exhausted in Jul. The date can be of their choosing since the work involved must be pretty low.

    A similar analysis can be done for any other category. Correct me if my dates are wrong.

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  • fourth of july backgrounds

  • brij523
    02-13 09:10 AM

    I know in the past many times it was debated -- why people do not support? Let me put forth what I feel.

    Effort put by IV is very commendable. But the beneficiary of IV work (mostly) do not give importance to Green Card. That is what I think based on talking to multiple people and that is what we see from the % participation of people for various fruitful effort put forth by IV. Most of them say they do not care if they get GC or not. In their heart of heart they may but not too much.

    Other reason I can think of is -- There could be doubt in minds of many people of IV strength. The day IV gets some success, people will rally behind IV for a while. And that is the scenario outside world too. See the stock price. If the company is doing good, stock price goes up. The day one bad news comes, stocks falls down. Take the presidential election. You can very well make out that contribution by company or people is proportional to candidate wins. If you are loosing, contribution will dry out very fast. I am not saying that candidate will not have supporter but that would be less in number. Take N.T. Rama Rao case. The day Naidu ditched him and others followed him, no officials gave importance to NTR.

    Believe me, in my office or outside, I have talked to every Indian. And not one comes back n discusses with me about IV.

    I strongly feel IV is doing a commendable job with some dedicated contributors.

    IV in past has looked into all options. It is not possible to sue USCIS because the law protects them for what they are doing. they are following the law.

    If people think we have a case, please take initiative and lead this - you will know how ready the community is. All those who are talking big here on this thread will run away u will see them running 180 degrees the other side if you ask them to come for the class action.

    We are not able to generate enough letters - people tend to be rude when asked to sign letters and fight us finding fault with us.

    The only way we can achieve something is if we unite and that has to happen through community building exercises and inculcating a sense for the community in the people.

    I am ready to support this initiative if it is feasable - so please do not get me wrong or think that I am pessimist. The ckind of community we are dealing with, things are not that easy that we open a thread on IV and everyone follow it.

    How many sent flowers? Close to 300
    How many attended rally? - close to 2000
    How many sending letters ? - close to 2000

    All this after so much of cajoling and motivating. needhelp and gang working tirelessly trying hard to get signatures, standing outside grocery stores, standing in train stations, being so focussed - why can others not see what they are doing? The only way our community is going to succeed is by more people coming forward and complimenting efforts of needhelp and and this must keep increasing.

    Is the community ready to stand up and rise in unity? Or just opening threads and discussing anonymously and then burying the threads deep below?

    Can we walk the talk?


    fourth of july fireworks background. July 4th in New York City
  • July 4th in New York City

  • chanduv23
    02-14 12:34 PM
    Watch and see how fast the Michigan government will start issuing DL to H1B holders and to those who has pending I-485.


    If you believe in it, stay put - gather support. Work towards legal opinion. Not sure if IV core endorses it, but use the forum to get support.

    Those who are interested must consider forming a mailing list and create a group.

    Many people just take the poll, and run away if approached. Let everyone participate wholeheartedly.

    IV wants all members to help in the Admin fix - "Letter to the President" campaign and it is very essential we follow peaceful methods. Please help make this campaign successful.

    hot Fireworks start at dusk July 4 fourth of july fireworks background. Fourth of July fireworks
  • Fourth of July fireworks

  • whatamidoinghere
    02-22 04:26 AM
    Looks like lot of data is available for us to crunch on:

    Labor certifications from 2000 to 2006

    H1Bs issued from 2002 to 2006

    Hopefully using this data we can get some rough prediction on cutoff date movement. I'm going to spend the coming weekend on this.


    house I love going out and watching a Fourth of July fireworks show. fourth of july fireworks background. Local 4th of July Fireworks
  • Local 4th of July Fireworks

  • narendra_modi
    01-15 01:11 PM
    It wont be an issue since you already gor your GC or I-485 filed. I failed to understand still what you are doing here.

    If one filed I-485, isn't employee-employer relationship comes under a questionmark? what if that company is closed ? And if this memo is implemented, most of the GC filing IT Inc. will be shut down sooner and hence will be a big mess..they are the ones who are supporting for their GC.

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  • hairstyles 4th of july

  • new2gc
    09-04 01:53 PM
    You dont even talk about my village even in your dreams.. Our village is much happier than before 5 years.. Its all becuase of YSR did for our village.

    Looks like Your village might not have any resources to loot, so has shown some work which would have benefited few people (Like you).

    As some other member mentioned that Jesus is angry on him, Not only Jesus, even Lord Venkateswara was also angry because even after converting to Christan, he took all the honors that chief of the state would get at Tirumala. Also, one can clearly see in Tirumala the way the whole administration behave during YSR regime compared to NTR/NCB regime. One can only experience, cannot explain..it will lengthy story...

    His polices like, Govt money for Vatican trips and causing lot of grievence to the devotees in Tirumala should also be considered to evaluate his attitude, don't just go with TV news.

    When Chiru campaigned for PPP, there were millions of people attended his meetings, but we all know what the result was.

    So, just think like 1 corrupt politician down many left and move on. No more arguments.


    pictures 4th of July Fireworks fourth of july fireworks background. Fireworks to celebrate
  • Fireworks to celebrate

  • apt29
    01-13 04:59 PM
    Will this rule effect on EAD and AC21 also?

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  • 4th of July fireworks in Virginia beach. A little shaky because I took this

  • micofrost
    03-27 05:18 PM
    Imaginne this, we get a fast trak citizenship process to Bill Clinton. Anyway, we Indians luv him so much, more than his wife or daughter would to him.

    And he will definitely win, make him the PM. With Obama in US and Bill Clinton from India, we can defintely lobby for our GCs and then India-US, will be new bhai-bhai....


    makeup wallpaper 4th of July fourth of july fireworks background. I love going out and watching a Fourth of July fireworks show.
  • I love going out and watching a Fourth of July fireworks show.

  • paskal
    02-14 08:23 PM
    http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Why_Sania_wont_be_hounded_in_the_US_for_insulting_ flag/articleshow/2783772.cms

    The Supreme court has the right to strike down laws effecting people

    my friend you really need to dig deeper into stuff...most things are more than meets the eye. courts are very reluctant to strike down laws. the supreme court will strike down a federal law ONLY if it's against the constitution itself...ie there has to be a fundamental problem. this is true both in the US and in India.
    the fact that a law inconveniences people is just not enough ground.

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  • fourth of july fireworks.

  • taarine
    07-21 05:02 PM
    Folks, let's not stereotype desis or any particular race. I ran into this Malaysian couple of Chinese descent who approached my wife and I at IKEA in the Chicago area. They tried some of the same techniques as described in this thread...
    I was very surprised and confused because we had no connection in terms of race, native language, or look. I am hard core - lungi-dhari desi :) So you see it's the Amway/Quixtar/BWW culture and nothing to do with any race, regionalism or language. My $0.2

    hairstyles July 4th in New York City fourth of july fireworks background. July 4th, 2006 | By kirabug
  • July 4th, 2006 | By kirabug

  • chanduv23
    09-04 10:35 PM
    This MF doesn't even have minimum decency to just leave alone a Dead Man.

    Want to see his saint deeds on IV.....Look for handle "CHANDUV23" handle history.

    1..) This MF has been preaching about faking Resumes in his old posts
    2.) He suggested faking Exp letter to someone in trouble...
    3.) He openly has shown someones full name using his Admin previledges

    Look for all of "CHANDUV23" posts

    Want to see him...search for him in UTUBE. Search for "CHANDUV23"
    God knows what kind of idiots are given this kind of responsibility as Admin....

    U r insane. U r assuming stuff and spewing venom. U like googling people's ids ehhh and that is ur passtime.

    And for your kind information - I am not an admin, nor do I have any previliges. I can always write what I want, if IV thinks that I must not write something, they let me know. I do not have to come on multiple IDs like some of you do.

    For those who are angry with me - send me an email or post me a private message as to why you are all so angry with me.

    09-24 12:42 AM
    Matt_Kelly@Specter.senate.gov ID is bouncing

    Downsizing happened within congress too. :D

    02-15 11:48 PM

    You can see that the UN panel is aware of the fact that racial discrimination manifests itself in disproportional representation (note the reference to the composition of the Supreme Court). It can be argued that the 7% country limit provides a pretext to discriminate against India/China/Mexico on the basis of ethnic or racial origin, and as such would run afoul of the convention.

    I enjoyed that article, it's a great find. To be fair, it does offer both opinion and history. I do agree that the 7% limit is unfair but the answer is to increase the supply of green cards so that all qualified applicants get their green cards. The racial element is something everybody should be aware of. It's important that we all have a good understanding of the history of the immigration laws, in the united states and elsewhere. Perhaps "History of Immigration Laws" would be an interesting thread on it's own. At the very least we should add the wikipedia references that we discussed earlier into the resources section.